Loan Modification is a hot topic now. Many firms throughout the country are offering loan modification services. Often, the attorney who solicits the business is a front for others or there is no attorney involved whatsoever. They take on any client who can pay their fee, with little or no regard for the likelihood of success. Many of the firms collect illegal up front fees, do little or no work, and leave a trail of consumer complaints in their wake.
At my law office, all loan modification work is done by me and by the Senior Associate Attorneys that work for me. We do not take cases that we think are unlikely to succeed. As with our bankruptcy work, we offer a free consultation to anyone and everyone who is interested in receiving our help.
Our fee structure is simple: $2,500.00 for the first loan on any property and $1,250.00 for any second or third loan on the same property. Unlike other loan modification firms, we offer a full range of bankruptcy services when needed. Sometimes the elimination of debts in a bankruptcy proceeding can increase the likelihood of a successful loan modification after the bankruptcy case is concluded. Other times, a successful loan modification can avoid the need for a bankruptcy altogether.