Thursday, March 20, 2008

Attorney Peter Lown Endorses Michael Berger

Attorney Peter Charles Lown of the Georgia Law Firm of Harrington & Lown has decided to stop working on the SSH matter and refer all of his SSH clients to the Law Offices of Michael Berger. Mr Lown represented approximately 40 SSH clients, making him the attorney with the third largest group of SSH clients, behind the Law Offices of Michael Berger and the Dan Reed/Harward & Associates firm. On Tuesday, March 18, Mr. Lown sent the following e-mail to all of his SSH clients:


I have been continuing my investigation and research on the evolving situation with Silver State post bankruptcy. In this vein, I have reviewed and spoken to two other law firms stepping up to represent former Silver State students, the Brown, Dean law firm in Texas and the Berger law firm in California. At this point I feel you will be better represented by one of the other firms and it is my recommendation that you all sign-up with the Berger Law firm without delay. I have reviewed Mr. Berger’s qualifications and discussed his litigation plan with him. I believe Mr. Berger is eminently qualified to handle this litigation and he has now signed up over 400 other students. There is considerable strength in numbers, and Mr. Berger has already made a considerable investment in the case. I also met two of his attorneys at the bankruptcy 341 hearing and they were very aggressive and on target in their questioning. I will be refunding any remaining trust funds and I plan to have the meeting with you scheduled for April 6th at the usual location in Casa Grande.


Peter Charles Lown
9425 South Main Street
Jonesboro, GA 30236-6023
Tel.: 404-520-0171
Fax: 404-506-9149"

Earlier that same day, Mr. Lown sent me the following e-mail:


Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. With the information you have provided regarding your plan for litigation against the various parties involved the Silver State operation and your substantial client base, I am convinced that you are best positioned to represent former Silver State students in attempting to make them whole. I will be recommending that the 40 clients Randall Stone and I represent in Arizona retain your firm to continue their litigation with Silver State. I am very pleased that someone of your ability and determination has come forward to help these people.

I am looking forward to working with you.


Peter Charles Lown
9425 South Main Street
Jonesboro, GA 30236-6023
Tel.: 404-520-0171
Fax: 404-506-9149"